Preschool - 12th Grade


With an unwavering commitment to the Gospel, Awana is being used to reach over 5 million kids every week in 134 countries, giving children and youth from every background an opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus for a lifetime.  Find out how Awana can serve you in reaching kids in both your local community and around the world for Jesus, for life.

Awana is a world-wide nonprofit ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions.  As the global leader in child and youth discipleship, Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus, no matter their background. 

Cubbies | Preschool (3-5)

Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3- to 5-year olds) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word.
In Awana Cubbies, kids learn basic truths about God, Jesus and salvation through fun handbooks, picture teaching cards and more.  Cubbies has two years of curriculum: HoneyComb and Appleseed. These flexible lessons, awards, games and teaching plans come together to create a welcoming space for kids to learn and grow.

Sparks | Kindergarden - 2nd

Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. 
Ignite kids’ curiosity and build a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ!

Truth & Training | 3rd - 6th

The T&T (Truth & Training) curriculum teaches kids the truth of God's Word, trains them to follow Him and practice His grace.
Guide kids to a deeper understanding of God’s grace.

Don't THink we forgot about
7th - 12 Grade!

Our goal at The River, is to meet individuals where they are;  this is also true for our youth.  AWANA is very structured, and in certain contexts that is very good. However, our junior high and high school students are facing cultural issues and problems many of us never thought possible, at their ages. We have decided to replace our AWANA Trek & Journey clubs with Junior High Youth Group & High School Youth Group.  This shift will allow for some flexibility to meet our students where they are, and prepare them for the issues they face daily. Our goal is for the junior high and high school students to take the Biblical foundation, they have received through AWANA and children’s ministry, and put those lessons into practice.

Junior High Youth Group | 7th - 8th Grade
In the interest of keeping things simple for parents, junior high youth group will take place at the same time as AWANA, Sunday evenings 
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, and the break schedule will be mirrored as well.

High School Youth Group | 9th - 12th Grade
Tuesday Evenings from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 
Journey aged  students will be encouraged to serve as leaders within Cubbies, Sparks & T&T. To incentivize this service, Ft. Belknap missions trip or River/Roots summer camp scholarships, will be available to those students who regularly serve on Sunday evenings.

Connection to AWANA
    Both  junior high and high school students will be allowed to participate in the Grand Prix Derby. In  an effort to connect the two groups, the junior high will still be invited to the high school “Family Dinner”. A meal that we share on the first Tuesday of the month during  the High School Youth Group. Both groups will also be a part of fun activities and events that we are planning for the youth. If there are students who want to complete their age appropriate AWANA books, we will be glad to accommodate that and encourage that kind of initiative!