Out of his heart 

Will Flow

Rivers of

Living Water.

John 7:38

Please JOin us in welcoming our new Senior Pastor!

Christian Betts

For over 20 years I walked without God.  I lived an empty, sinful, vain, and broken life.  During college (September of 1996) my life was redeemed by Jesus.  I have been forgiven.  A lot.  Seriously, a lot.  Like ten thousand talents.  My life was and is no longer my own.  I belonged to Him and desired to live a life of faith in Christ.  Back then everyone who was a cool Christian had a life verse.  Galatians 2:20 was mine.

Since then the grace of God has abounded towards me.  God has blessed me with a wise, beautiful, and kind wife named Torri! We celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary on the 4th of July this year. Yes, it is ironic that we were married on Independence Day. On a side note, I asked her to marry me four days after we met (I don’t recommend getting engaged this fast, but like I said God has been gracious to us).  Stop by my office sometime and I will tell you the story.

The Lord has blessed us with three amazing, believing daughters (Taelor, Allison, and Hailee), a son-in-law (Justin), and our first grandson (Elliott).  When asked what it is like having three daughters, I always say the same thing, “I’m surrounded by beauty”. God has been very good to my family!  

At the incredibly mature age of 22, I was asked by our pastor to serve as the Youth Pastor.  I told him I would need to pray about it, but in my mind, I had already decided the answer would be yes.  For several years I served, with my wife by my side, as a Youth Pastor.  I was confident in my call to the ministry.  At the age of 26 I believed I was ready to take on the role of Senior Pastor and plant a church.  The Lord had a different plan.  As always, the Father knew best.

Because of His incredible love and grace, God led me away from vocational ministry to work in secular fields (missions work) for 20 years.  He wanted to teach me humility, faithfulness, dependence on Him, character, and a deep love for His church.  I love God’s church.  I desire to see our local church continue to abide in Christ. My hope and prayer is to see His kingdom come and His will be done in the Bitterroot Valley as it is in heaven.

Upcoming Livestream

Sunday Mornings

Adult Sunday School
9:15 AM

Fellowship & Coffee
10:15 AM

Worship & Service
10:45 AM

Women's Bible Study

Men's Breakfast

 Ladies, get ready for our fall Bible Study! 🍂
This 8 week study by Scarlet Hiltibidal, offers advice for those who feel like the worries and troubles of this life are too overwhelming. Scarlet reveals that comfort and peace is found in God by studying His Word, embracing prayer, and finding community for love and support.
Books are $20 and include video access. 📓
Childcare is provided for the AM study. 👶
Please sign-up at the Welcome Center or by contacting the Office to secure a book!

Men's Breakfast will be starting on Saturday, October 5th at 8:00AM.
 Pastor Christian will be leading the Men through the book of Proverbs.

This event will continue each Saturday from 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM.
Breakfast will be served with the Bible study afterwards.

Breakfast id free and will include A LOT of bacon, so please join us!

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